April 9, 2024 - Blog - Write It Down

Before I ever wrote a book, I simply wrote, like a lot. Some notes, some to-do's, mostly goals and ideas. Here is what I come to believe, what gets written gets done.

1. Why

I read once that a goal that wasn't written down somewhere was just a potential good idea. In a world filled with digital distractions, the act of writing things down is a powerful tool for clarity, commitment, and action. It’s a simple yet profound practice that can transform the abstract into the tangible, turning ideas into achievements. Writing serves as a visual reminder of our intentions. It allows us to capture fleeting ideas, organize thoughts, and prioritize tasks. The physical act of writing engages the brain differently than typing; it’s more deliberate, which can lead to greater memory retention and understanding.

2. Clarity

When we write down our goals, we are forced to clarify what we want to achieve. This clarity is the first step towards productivity. It’s like selecting an destination when you travel, once the endpoint is clear, it is much easier (and likely) you will get to work on the specific path. 

3. Commitment

Writing down our objectives is a form of commitment. The written word is a personal contract we make with ourselves. It’s harder to ignore or forget something that is right in front of you, especially if reviewed regularly. 

4. Actionable

I wrote an entire book, one paragraph and one day at a time. Writing encourages us to break down our goals into actionable steps.  By writing down these steps, we create a roadmap to success. Each crossed-off item on our to-do list is a small victory, propelling us forward and building momentum.

5. Growth 

Writing also provides a space for reflection. It allows us to look back on what we’ve accomplished, learn from our experiences, and plan for the future. It’s a cycle of continuous improvement.


The power of writing is not just in the act itself, but in the process it initiates. Writing things down is the first step in a journey from idea to action. It’s a practice that anyone can adopt, and its benefits are universal. So stop hoping, wishing and day dreaming about something you want to have in your life next week, month, year or a decade from now. Commit it to paper in as much detail as possible and review it often, you may just be surprised by your results. So grab a pen and paper and start making it happen for yourself!.


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