I Don't Have It All Figured Out
I wrote about what I experienced. The more I share, the more I get reminded that I am still learning. Like you, I am on a journey. What I say or write today will likely change in a year, and even more so in 10 years, that's called growing, that's called learning. Not that my philosophy or fundamentals will change dramatically, it is just that I know I can learn from everyone and I can create new distinctions daily from that.
One lady from literally the other side of the planet "yelled" at me via Facebook messenger telling me I had no idea what I was talking about and I was just "flogging BS" to sell books (it was 5:30am - heck of a way to start your day). I have to admit, it hurt a little, but that taught me something too. It taught me that my story, my thoughts and opinions and my journey are not for everyone and none of us are everyone's "cup of tea", AND THAT'S OK.
That said, I hope what I did write, and what I say on the platform I have been privileged with, connects with the people who gain insight and strength from it.
When I lost my son I knew nothing other than to go into action. That's me, if I am "doing", I feel like I am getting somewhere.
We buried him on a Thursday, I was back to my corporate office that following Tuesday. Again, I was in motion, therefore I felt I was moving forward (I am very aware this is not the healthiest of processes).
Bad things really do happen to good people. I hope we can all accept that as we experience our own up's and down's and I really hope that my story helps someone else who relates.
For those of you who have found value in my book, please know that knowing that gives me what I need to keep writing, keep talking about it and to keep moving forward.
I guess this entire blog comes down to this...
...even if you don't like me or what I have to say or write, you are teaching me things I need to learn and for that I am grateful.
I appreciate you.
Below is Zack... he taught me the most.
Handsome eh?⬇️⬇️