Here's To The Wanderer's...

Just a day ago I received a call from my sister Holly who lives in a very Northwestern part of Canada (I could not help but think that with a name like Holly, it is no wonder she ended up living near Santa’s house).

She asked how I was doing with all the life changes the recent past had brought to me. I spoke of now having a little bit of hindsight back over the past couple years or so, how I was beginning to see more clearly as to what I needed to do to move forward in a healthy way all while still being able to accept that the journey continues still.

The conversation also made me realize how much I had been wandering. Like someone behind the wheel driving aimlessly, I stopped at anything interesting then quickly hopped back into my vehicle (figuratively speaking) and took off in whatever direction I felt to go in next. No purpose, no end goal, no destination, just on my way to a town best referred to as “MY Next Distraction”.

If this sounds like you, please know that, for a season, that's OK.

For those of you living through loss, don’t be too hard on yourself. You may feel as though you are wandering about and not knowing where you are supposed to be or what you should be doing, but in these early days, that just means you are normal.

I hope you will allow yourself to wander a bit, no, not indefinitely, but for a season. I believe you will know when it’s time to aim for more stability and firmly plant your feet again. Being lost for a while may just be what you need to find your new path.

With all of life’s drudgery, challenges and unfairness, it’s still a big and beautiful world out there waiting for you to claim your place in it. Who knows, maybe in these early days of grief and confusion, life may just cause you to wander into something beautiful. 

Someone gave me a card inscribed with the following words: some of life’s most difficult roads can lead to the most beautiful destinations. I think I will run with that and hope you will consider joining me.

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