June 4, 2024 - Blog - Finding Meaning

When we boil it all down, isn't that all we are looking for? Take any situation, good, bad or even the mundane, until we assign some meaning to it we struggle in some small or big way. The more significant the event, the more we look for, and even need, to find meaning in it.

Let's all make some effort to switch from "why me?" to "what is this supposed to mean for me?" I know that seems oversimplified, but maybe this small shift in how we frame our approach may actually be as simple as it sounds. Instead of deciding the event or experience you are having is all negative and just some hurtful experience you now must endure, try asking yourself, no matter how sad, hurtful, disappointing or downright heartbreaking the experience is, what am I supposed to learn from this? I know that doesn't remove the difficult emotions of the moment, but it will help you find value in every experience. Nothing magically removes the hurt, but instead of hoping it simply goes away and you sit around victimized waiting to get over it, maybe you can learn to live with it by recognizing what you are learning from the experience.

I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I do know that life is always more manageable when we find meaning in the good and the bad.



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